学术海报(1):Lagrangian relaxation
主讲人: Jesper Larsen 教授
职务: Head of division (Management Science)
Head of education (DTU Management engineering)
时间:2019年3月5日 14:00
Jesper Larsen received his M.Sc. in Computer Science in 1995 from the University of Copenhagen, and his Ph.D. in Operations Research in 1999 from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He is currently Professor in Operations Research (OR) at the Department of Management Engineering. He is also head of the Management Science division and head of education for the department. Professor Larsen is currently chair of the Nordic section of the Mathematical Programming Society, and member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of OR Societies (EURO). Professor Larsen's research interest span optimization problems in Railways and Airlines, production planning and resource planning in healthcare. He is the author of several papers in the area and acts as reviewer for many top-ranking OR journals. He has participated in numerous optimization projects with industry partners, including airliners (Copenhagen Airports, British Airways, SAS), railway companies (Danish State Railways (DSB) and Deutsche Bahn) and healthcare companies (Avaleo and Novo Nordisk) and also production planning (GN ReSound and Bavarian Nordic).Prof. Larsen is the 2017 recipient of the Hedorf foundation Prize for excellence in transportation research.
He would be giving us a lecture on Lagrangian relaxation, enlightening us the necessity and means to Lagrangian relaxation. Integer programming is widely used for formulating transportation problem, hopefully this lecture can inspire you on your work.
学术海报(2):Rolling stock scheduling with maintenance requirements at the Chinese high-speed railway
主讲人:Richard Martin Lusby 教授
时间:2019年3月5日 15:00
Richard Martin Lusby received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Queensland in 2009 and his postdoctoral in operation research (OR) at the Technical University of Denmark from 2008 to 2010. He is currently an associate professor at the department of Management Engineering. Professor Lusby received the Youth Achievement Award from the New Zealand Operations Research Association in 2006 and the first prize in the Railway Problem Solving Competition (Informs) in 2014. Professor Lusby publishes several papers each year in top journals in the area of transportation and operations research. He is also the reviewer for various top journals. Professor Lusby's research interests include railways, transportation, and energy. Recently, he published several papers about railway and public transport in the journals of transportation research part B, E and European journal of operation research (EJOR). He specializes in solving large-scale complex optimization problems in transportation problems.
This seminar is about rolling stock scheduling with maintenance requirements. Presently in China, rolling stock scheduling is usually done by dispatchers, which makes it difficult to quickly obtain an operable optimal rolling stock schedule for the proposed timetable that also satisfies rolling stock maintenance requirements. Solution presented in this seminar is a novel two-stage approach.