范文博,西南交大获得博士学位,后赴美国马里兰大学做访问学者,香港理工大学助理研究员。研究兴趣包括智慧公交规划设计与运营 、主动交通需求管理策略等。发表中英文论文50余篇,其中SCI/SSCI期刊论文20篇左右(包括专业顶级期刊Transportation Research Part B、Transport Policy等),国际学术会议TRB、INFORMS、IEEE ITSC、HKSTS、CASPT论文近20篇,EI期刊/会议论文10篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、四川省科技创新项目1项、成都市科技创新项目1项。主持交通规划类科研项目10余项。
Vickrey (1991, 2020) proposed a bathtub model for the evolution of trip flows served by privately operated vehicles inside a road network based on three premises: (i) treatment of the road network as a single bathtub; (ii) the speed-density relation at the network level, also known as the network fundamental diagram of vehicular traffic, and (iii) the time- independent negative exponential distribution of trip distances. However, the distributions of trip distances are generally time-dependent in the real world, and Vickrey’s model leads to unreasonable results for other types of trip distance distributions. Thus there is a need to develop a bathtub model with more general trip distance distribution patterns. In this study, the author presents a unified framework for modeling network trip flows with general distributions of trip distances, including negative exponential, constant, and regularly sorting trip distances studied in the literature. In addition to tracking the number of active trips as in Vickrey’s model, this model also tracks the evolution of the distribution of active trips’ remaining distances.