报告题目:Car following models: past, present and future
报告人:Henk van Zuylen 教授
地点: 犀浦交运大楼417会议室
时间:2018年11月2日(星期五) 上午10:00
A car driver has several tasks: e.g. choosing destination, departure time, navigation, changing lanes when necessary and keeping a safe and comfortable distance to other vehicles. This last task has a routine, operational character. It is done more or less automatically. However, a driver is not a machine who executes the car following task very precisely in an optimal way. In reality the driver is not really continuously adapting his/her speed and distance according to a strict rule, not always observing the same stimuli, sometime looking several cars ahead to anticipate what he/she has to do.Following a truck is done differently from following a passenger car. Sometimes the car driving in front uses cruise control, possibly this influences the way in which the follower driver reacts. If in the future some automated cars will drive on the road, the drivers of the ‘old fashioned’ cars may execute their task differently.
Many questions still exist about the modeling of car following. In the lecture the history of different car following models will be presented, from models made in the 1950s until recent models. The calibration of the parameters of the models is most important. Not all drivers behave according to the same car following model.
Henk van Zuylen是荷兰代尔夫特理工大学交通规划系首席教授,西南交通大学、东南大学、同济大学、湖南大学客座教授,曾担任中荷智能交通培训中心主任(北京)和荷兰TRAIL研究院院长。承担了包括荷兰国家自然科学基金、国际合作等30余项重大项目。公开发表300多篇文章,其中SCI论文80余篇。中荷国家自然科学基金合作项目“运筹学在城市交通运输领域的应用”发起者之一。目前担任TRB “人工智能在关键交通运输问题中的应用”委员会成员, Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part A,B,C, IEEE transactions on ITS等顶级国际期刊审稿人。