The school was set up in Tangshan, grew up in Emei, and expanded in Chengdu. At present, it has a complete education system from the undergraduate education, to graduate education students and then to post-doctoral education. It has 1 post-doctoral station of transportation engineering, 4 doctoral programs of Transportation Planning and Management, Traffic Engineering, System Engineering and Logistics Engineering; 5 master programs of Transportation Planning and Management, Traffic Engineering, System Science, Safety Science and Engineering, and Logistics Engineering; 1 engineering doctoral programs of Transportation Engineering, 3 engineering master programs of Transportation Engineering, Safety Engineering and Logistics Engineering; 5 undergraduate programs of Transportation, Traffic Engineering, and Safety Engineering, Logistics Engineering and Logistics Management, among which, Transportation and Traffic Engineering are national characteristic majors. The top-level discipline the school depends on, Transportation Engineering, maintains number one in the major evaluation of Ministry of Education.
1. Degree Program in Planning and Management of Traffic and Transportation
Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
First Foreign Language
An Introduction to Nature Dialectics
Marxism and Social Science Methodology
Methodology of Engineering Innovation
Science and Technology Paper Writing
Information Retrieval
Analysis of the Random Process and Time Series
Mathematical Statistics and Multivariate Statistics※
Transportation Engineering
Optimization Theory and Methods
Theory of Technical Economics
Principles and Methods of Computer Programming
Analysis and Design of Transportation Information System
Organization Method and Practice of Passenger Dedicated Line
Design Theory and Method of Railway Hub
Theory and Method of Container Multimodal Transportation Planning
Innovation Experiment of Transportation Planning and Management
Applied Functional Analysis
Theory and method of Comprehensive Transportation System Planning*
Transportation System Engineering*※
Graph and Network Optimization*※
Intelligent Railway Transportation System
Planning Theory of Transportation Channel
Big Data Application Technology of Transportation
Theory and Method of Modern Traffic Organization※
Method and Practice of Railway Freight Transportation Organization
Modern Passenger Transport Organization Theory
Maxim and Contemporary China
Selected Readings of Marxist Classic Works
Multivariate Analysis of Management System
Academic Journal Writing
English (foreign language)
Modern Mathematics
Reliability Mathematics
Model and Application of Rough Set
Transportation Development Theory
Transport System Integration Theory and Technology*
Optimization Theory and Method of Transportation System
Theory and Method of Transportation Enterprise Management
Design and Implementation of Modern intelligent optimization algorithm
2. Degree Program of Traffic Engineering
The theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics
First foreign language
Dialectics of nature
Marx doctrine and the methodology of Social Sciences
Methodology of Engineering Innovation
Science and technology paper writing
Information retrieval
Numerical analysis※
Random process and time series analysis
Mathematical statistics and multivariate statistics ※
Theory of technical economics
Transportation system analysis
Traffic data collection and analysis*
The principle and comprehensive application of transportation design
Intelligent transportation technology and application
Transportation location theory and its application
Traffic simulation technology
Congestion network management and design
Transportation information integration and fusion
Traffic engineering innovation experiment course
Applied Functional Analysis
Transportation industry structure
Transportation system and traffic demand management*※
Transportation behavior theory*
Road LOS and capacity analysis※
Transportation economics ※
Transportation planning theory
Transportation economic theory and method
Modeling and analysis of traffic congestion *
Urban transportation network
Chinese Marx doctrine and Contemporary
Selected works of Marx
Multivariate analysis of management system
Academic journal writing
English (second foreign language)
Modern mathematics
Reliability mathematics
Rough set model and its application
Traffic flow theory*※
Research methodology of traffic engineering※
Theory and application of transportation information
Intelligent public transport system
3. Degree Program of System Engineering
Chinese Marxism and
Classics featured of
Multivariate analysis of
management system
English paper writing of academic journals
English (second foreign
Modern mathematics
Reliability mathematics
Rough set model and Its
Theory foundation of
complex systems* ※
Artificial intelligence and
expert systems
Integration and design of
Modern control system
Optimization theory of
large scale system
Theory of integrated
transport system
4. Degree Program in System Science Level Subjects
Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
First Foreign Language
An Introduction to Nature Dialectics
Marxism and Social Science Methodology
Engineering Innovation Methodology
Scientific Writing
Information Retrieval
Numerical Analysis
Mathematical statistics and Multivariate statistics
Theoretical Basis System
Modern Methods of Mathematical Physics
Optimization Theory and Methods
Time Series Analysis
Fuzzy Systems
Modern Control Theory Applications
Rail Transport System Optimization Model and Method※
System Simulation and Optimization Software on the Machine Experiment
5. Degree Program in Safety Science and Engineering
Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
First Foreign Language
An Introduction to Nature Dialectics
Marxism and Social Science
Methodology of Engineering Innovation
Academic Thesis Writing
Information Retrieval
Numerical Analysis※
Random Process and Time Series Analysis
Mathematical Statistics and Multivariate Statistics※
Safety Science Theory and Method
Theory and Method of Traffic Safety
Theory and Method of Traffic Safety※
Theory and Application of Traffic Safety Technology
Theory and Method of Traffic Safety Planning*※
Fire Safety Engineering
Traffic Environment and Safety
Safety Evaluation Theory and Method
Traffic Safety Innovation Experiment
Applied Functional Analysis
Mathematical Analysis Method of Traffic Safety*※
System Reliability Analysis※
Safety Ergonomics※
Traffic Accident Prediction and Reconstruction Technique
Transportation Risk Engineering
Traffic Safety Behavior*
Theory and Evaluation of Cargo Transportation Safety
Maxim and Contemporary China
Selected Readings of Marxist Classic Works
6. Degree Program in Logistics Engineering
Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
First Foreign Language
An Introduction to Nature Dialectics
Marxism and Social Science Methodology
Engineering Innovation Methodology
Scientific Paper Writing
Information Retrieval
Numerical Analysis
Stochastic Process and Time Series Analysis
Mathematical Statistics and Multivariate Statistics※
System Engineering Principle and Method
Logistics Technology and System
Logistics Optimization and Computation Intelligence
Logistics Demand Analysis and System Planning
Production and Operations Analysis*
Logistics Project Economic Evaluation
Logistics Marketing and Planning*
IOT Technology and Application
Logistics Information Analysis and Design
Logistics Engineering Innovation Experiment
Applied Functional Analysis
Logistics System Optimization and Simulation
Data Mining Technology and Application
Streamlined Organization and Optimization※
Supply Chain Management Theory and Case Study*
Commodity Circulation
Logistics Center Analysis and Design
Logistics Information Strategy Management
Logistics Technology Integration and Solution
Maxim and Contemporary China
Selected Readings of Marxist Classic Works
Management System Multi-Variables Analysis
English Paper Writing
English (2nd language)
Modern Mathematics
Reliable Mathematics
Rough-Set Model and Application
Supply Chain Finance*
Supply Chain Model and Optimization*
Logistics System Planning Theory※
Supply Chain Contract
Inventory Management
Intelligent Logistics System Integrated Theory and Method