On August 6-7, 2017, Professor QiyuanPeng of our Institute was invited by the people's Broadcasting Station of the Central People's Republic of China to record a series of "The artery of powerful country--China’s high-speed railway to the world". The program is well-designed to respond to the "The Belt and Road" action and celebrate the return of Hong Kong for 20 years. It is sponsored by the Central People's Broadcasting Station of Hong Kong and Macao program center together with the higher education press, aimed at helping Hong Kong and Macao compatriots to better understand the development of China’s high-speed railway.What’s more,it’s a warm-up before Hong Kong fully connects to Chinamainland's high-speed rail network.
On the 6th, Professor Peng and two doctoral students,accompanied by director LiliShao, program host Ms. Song Xue of the InformationMinistry of Hong Kong and Macao program center,china national radio and teacher YeaiLi of Higher Education Press,entered the station and started recording.
Host Song Xueexpressed a warm welcome for the coming of Professor Peng firstly,then the program started with an interview form.The host asked Professor Peng many questions about the high-speed rail that people are interested. Among the questions about the development of China's high-speed railway, independent innovation and security operations, Professor Peng analyzed the relationship between the various subsystems of the high-speed railway system and their own, and combined with their own practitioners, taught more than 30 years of experience, told stories of some important events in the course of China's railway development.,talked about the reasons why China's railway can continue to move forward and flourish. Professor Peng believed that it has benefited from the generation of railway people continue to explore, constant pursuit and the spirit of continuous innovation.

This series of programs “The artery of powerful country-China’s high-speed railway to the world”have a total of ten episodes: “The base of revitalizing the nation's-the developments of China high-speed”, “the Country card-The rise of China's high-speed rail”, “The Myth of Operation-the Rambling of The Beijing-Shanghai High-speedrailway”, “Flying on Land-China’s Train Speed”, “One-city-effect- High-speed Rail Changes the Life”, “Independent Innovation-China’s High-speed Train”, “the Windows of Cities-High-speed Railway Station”, “Neural Center - High-speed rail dispatching system”, and “Train Guardian-High Rail Safety” “The Road to Power - Innovation of High speed Railway”.
The recording manuscript was written by Professor QiyuanPeng, Associate Professor Chao Wen and Associate Professor SiMa. Two doctoral students WeijunLi, WenxinoLi assisted the recording.Program related content will be published in the Higher Education Press as national key audio and video teaching materials.