On December 7, 2018, School of Transportation and Logistics at Southwest Jiaotong University's 2018 Worldwide Young Scholar Forum was held in the 418 Academic Report Hall of Jiaoyun Building. The theme is "Data Driven, Connecting the World". The forum was hosted by Southwest Jiaotong University, and the sub-forum was co-hosted by the School of Transportation and Logistics, the National Engineering Laboratory of Integrated Transportation Big Data Application Technology, and National United Engineering Laboratory of Integrated and Intelligent Transportation. This forum is also one of the forums for young scholars at the 2019 International Conference on Transportation Engineering.

The invited guests at the forum were Liu Xiaobo, Dean of the School of Transportation and Logistics, Zhang Guangyuan, Vice Dean of the School of Transportation and Logistics. A total of six outstanding young scholars were invited to the forum, including Dr. Wang Hai, Assistant Professor of Singapore Management University, Dr. Sun Jian, Department of Transportation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Dr. Ge Qian, a researcher at Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Dr. Jiang Peng, a postdoctoral fellow of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Dr. Qian Fu from the School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK, and Dr. Gan Mi, associate professor from the School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University. The forum was chaired by Professor Jian Ming, Vice Dean of the School of Transportation and Logistics.
Professor Liu Xiaobo first delivered a speech, expressing a warm welcome and sincere thanks to the arrival of six young scholars, and highly praised the research and contributions of the six young scholars. He pointed out that the holding of the forum is conducive to promoting different universities and different scholars’ academic exchanges. Afterwards, scholars gave academic reports separately.

The first scholar to share is Dr. Wang Hai, with the theme "The Logic of Matching in Sharing Transportation". Afterwards, Professor Sun Jian gave a speech on the research on “Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Urban Traffic Emissions Based on Didi Travel Big Data and the Impact of the New Deal on Car-hailing Limitations”, taking Shanghai as an example to talk about his research results. The theme shared by Dr. Gan Mi is "The Predictability of Human Mobility-Truckers and Taxi Drivers". She proposed that based on the research of truck and taxi drivers, human mobility is predictable.
In the second half of the report, Dr. Ge Qian first gave a detailed report on the topic of "regional segmentation and dynamic traffic assignment under the agency model". Dr. Peng Jiang presented his research results under the title of "Time Series Data-Driven Machine Learning Models and Applications". Finally, Dr. Fu Qian made a report on "Establishing the Value of Existing Data Resources", taking the English route of England as an example to share the data model content related to the prediction of the railway network and the London subway as an example to analyze the subway network.
In the meantime, the participants also actively discussed related issues with the reporters, raised comments about the reports of different scholars, and gave their own opinions and suggestions. During this process, the scholars conducted in-depth academic exchanges, learning from each other, making progress together.

The academic forum ended successfully. The report of six young scholars benefited the students who came to attend. With this platform, young scholars collectively focus on the cutting-edge research in the field of transportation and accumulate strength for the development of transportation under the new era.